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Please read sections A to C of this form before applying for a grant. This will limit mistakes and help prevent delays in the application process. Have you read the grant Criteria and FAQs yet?

There is up to £600 available for the purchase of resources in support of teaching about Christianity within Religious Education. You may purchase from wherever you like and we suggest you search online for good value deals. There is no requirement to use educational suppliers.

Please note that we have no connections whatsoever with, nor do we favour, any particular publisher or seller. Communications from companies which suggest otherwise or who use our name and grant information in sales publicity should be treated with caution. 

A. Applying Online

Applications to The Jerusalem Trust’s Small Grants to Schools Scheme can only be made online through this site.

The online application process will take between 15 and 20 minutes to complete.

In order to successfully complete the application process, please make sure you have the following information to hand:

  • Your school’s address and postcode;

  • The name of your Headteacher and Head of RE/RE Coordinator;

  • A valid school email address for yourself (and the RE teacher if you are an administrator);

  • Name and email address for school finance officer/department;

  • Number of children in school;

  • Number of children studying RE;

  • RE budget for the year;

  • Details of how the resources will be used to improve teaching and learning. Please do not use generic 'How to successfully apply for a grant' information. Where applications are submitted via grants/business managers on behalf of schools a name and email address for a teacher contact at each school must also be supplied in this section. Supplier website information can also be included here.

  • A list of resources you wish to purchase with unit prices and ISBN-13/catalogue numbers (supplier identified in the main paragraph for catalogue numbers). Please only purchase resources mentioned in the application approval email unless a change has been approved by us in advance.

B. How The Application Process Works

Fill in the application form and submit. You will receive an automated acknowledgement email when it is received by us. Primary schools should check the status of grant availability on the home page before making an application.

We will review your application and decide if it meets the qualifying criteria. You will receive an email with the approved resources listed if successful or an automated email if denied. Please check the email address that you have submitted is accurate, and that our email address is marked as ‘not spam’ so we can correspond efficiently in regard to your application. Please ensure you have checked your junk/spam/bin folder and quarantine before contacting us.

If your application is successful, we will request your school’s BACS details on headed paper (PDF document) from your school’s finance department, to grant the money. Notification will be sent when the grant has been paid and acknowledgement of receipt of grant will be required.

One year on from receiving the grant, we will contact you by email and request information on how the grant money has improved the teaching of Christianity within RE at your school. Evidence from staff or children, including pictures or examples of work produced, should be collected throughout the year and submitted via an online form.

C. Grant Criteria

The following are the criteria against which grant applications are considered:

  • Applications to the fund can only be made for Religious Education (RE) resources about Christianity. These can include textbooks, bibles, teacher resources, artefacts, CD-ROMs, DVDs and online subscriptions for use in RE lessons. Only resources which focus solely on the Christian religion are eligible. Please only include resources which are currently available to purchase.

  • The maximum size of grant that can be awarded is £600. Schools who have already received a grant are eligible to apply again two years after the original grant was made, assuming the 12-month report was submitted. There is no benefit in applying for less funding than you actually require; we regularly award the full grant amount.

  • When funding decisions are made, the quality and shelf-life of resources, and the number of pupils that will benefit from them, will be taken into account.

  • One year on from receiving the grant, the school agrees to complete a report form which will be sent to the school by email on how the resources were used and how they improved the teaching of Christianity in the school both from teachers’ and pupils’ points of view. Evidence from staff or children, including pictures or examples of work produced, should be collected throughout the year. These details will form the basis of a report to Trustees and the trust’s education partners who maintain a keen interest in the present state and future development of RE.

  • Grant awards are rounded up to the next £10 to allow for pricing changes and simpler payment.

Not funded:

The fund is not intended for use towards the purchase of resources for assemblies, personal, spiritual or social development (e.g. catechism), computer hardware, consumables, gift giving, prayer areas, reflection gardens or other school activities such as visits/trips, specialist workshops, visitors, teacher training or general RE topics, for example.

All applications will be acknowledged and successful applicants will be informed in writing once a decision has been made. Please note that we anticipate receiving a large number of applications and, regretfully, will be unable to make a grant in response to every one of them.

Your Details

School Details 1

School Details 2

School Details 3

Using the Grant

Please give details of how the resources will assist in high-quality RE teaching about Christianity at the school. Details of websites used can be included here and RE teacher contact details (if you are non-teaching staff).

Resources To Be Purchased

Please ensure that all the required information is provided in order to minimise delays in processing your application.

Name ISBN/CODE Unit Cost Quantity Subtotal


£ 0

Your Declaration

Check Your Details

Your details

Your Name:


Your Role in School:

School Details


School Name:


School Phone No:

Finance Officer Name:

Finance Officer Email:

Type of School:

Number of Pupils:

Number Taking RE:


Current Capitation:


Grant Requested:


Using the Grant

Please give details of how the resources will assist in high-quality RE teaching about Christianity at the school:

Resources To Be Purchased

Name ISBN/CODE Unit Price Quantity Subtotal


£ 0